Picture perfect

Instagram : Let me be honest, I love you, but I have a bone to pick with you.

You see, I’m a social media addict and trying to reel out of it. This means that I check my news feed every once in a while. ‘Tis Christmas season and finally today, my vacation has commence and I spent the entire day today indecisively attempting to complete several tasks. While doing so, I often found myself browsing through Instagram and noticing just how picture perfect everyone else’ Christmas seemed to be. The red and green socks, the cakes, the parties, the Christmas themed photo booths, the decked up Christmas tree were all yelling out loud at me – the one with a bad hair day, half packed suitcase (vacation, remember?), no Christmas tree or lights, no new clothes and definitely no woollens (I live in humid Mumbai that knows little winter). The truth was staring at me – this year, I was tired of the same ol’ Christmas regularities. Make no mistake, till 2013, I enjoyed baking, putting up the lights and trees and doing up my dad’s house but this year, I couldn’t find in me the interest to go that extra mile. I just found it gratifying to take one day off of everything and laze around. And that, I thought, was an issue. So I spent a few moments pondering over this and here’s what I realised – IT DOESN’T MATTER!

Yeah, you heard it right! Lights or not, tree or not, baking escapades or not, carols or not, the truth remains that Christmas is far above and beyond these traditions.

The birth of Jesus Christ saw no ‘festivity’ yet became the most important day in the history of mankind. The birth of all of humanity’s Saviour saw no Christmas tree even though in the future lay the perfect tree of the cross. The birth of this Baby saw no 5 star buffet yet it serves as the sole reminder to mankind that WE ARE LOVED FOREVER.

All I’m saying is, if our Christmas is more about the ‘mas’ than the ‘Christ’, it’s of no use. Christmas marks the split in history and as long as we make an effort to rejoice in that, it’s sufficient. The cake would go stale, Christmas would not.

Here’s to celebrating Christmas in the heart even when it might not look as picture perfect as everyone else’s.


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